Prichádzate z vojnou sužovanej Ukrajiny a potrebujete sa rýchlo zorientovať v Košiciach? Táto stránka vám ponúka všetky dôležité a aktuálne informácie. Na jednom mieste sa dozviete nielen o formách pomoci, ale aj o službách či ubytovaní.
Emergency phone numbers
Information for Ukrainians entering Slovak republic
Slovakia is ready to cope with the expected arrival of people fleeing the war. We are taking steps to provide effective assistance at border crossings. You will find more detailed information about what awaits you directly at the border and after your transition to Slovakia. We will take care of you.
Web: ua.gov.sk/en
First Contact Office for Foreigners
We provide information and consultation services as well as assistance on various matters for foreigners affected by the armed conflict in Ukraine. At the same time, we serve as a safe place for anyone who needs help and information in the given situation.
Tel: +421 55 641 91 90
E-mail: foreigner@kosice.sk
Social Information Contact Center
The city of Košice offers comprehensive assistance in integrating foreigners, support in the labor market, prevention of unwanted sociopathological phenomena, consultations to facilitate integration, and enhancement of self-help skills.
Tel: +421 908 365 995 (Tel, Viber)
E-mail: centrumH68@kosice.sk
Address: Hlavná 68, B214, 040 01, Košice